For more than 140 years, Disciples Church Extension Fund has been a trusted partner as church leaders leverage their people, property, and finances for faithful ministry.

We connect with congregations to discern their best path forward. Together we decide how to resource that path and empower them to innovate and retool for life-changing ministry. In these rapidly changing times, our support is more needed and relevant than ever to help our congregations thrive.

This is a time full of great challenge–and great opportunity for the renewal and rebirth of our congregations. Disciples Church Extension Fund is absolutely devoted to helping our congregations take advantage of this moment! Your gifts maximize the impact of Disciples congregations.

Katy McFall, Director of Development
Disciples Church Extension Fund

Our Campaign Team

Lois Artis

“Walter Brueggemann speaks about how God orients, disorients, and re-orients the lives of God’s people. The pandemic was a time of disorientation. Old ways of being church and community dissipated for us. We have found ourselves moving in new directions, holding life together in new ways, moving forward in faith – a reorientation.”

This is a time of urgent need for Disciples Church Extension Fund to support a movement for new life and a re-orientation towards serving congregations long-term—to help congregations reach beyond their walls and find New Ways into the World.”

Ed Reeve

“It’s a critical time for Disciples. Churches are facing a new landscape. The ways we’ve conducted church are passing away.

The New Ways Into the World Campaign will provide funds to ensure congregations are able to boldly move forward. Campaign funds will nurture new congregations and will provide resources for church leaders, including when disaster strikes.

This campaign will mean new life and renewal for our congregations!”

Additional Campaign Members

Joan Bell-Haynes
Marian Hamlett
Timothy James
Karen Nolan
John Powell

Contact Us


P.O. Box 7030
Indianapolis, IN 46207